Wrocław University of Economics and Business - Central Authentication System
Strona główna
last data migration: ~9 hours ago
last modification of this document: 7 days ago

ENGLISH LANGUAGE COURSE – information for students of part-time bachelor studies and KPiG.
Assignment to English language groups will be based on the result of a placement test.
You can access the test via the link below. You must be logged in to your university account to take the test. You will have 90 minutes to complete the test, after which the test will close automatically and your results will not be sent. The test is available to you until 20.00 on 23 February 2025.

Test part-time studies >>>

After the test, you will be assigned to a group and a team on MS Teams. You will be added to the groups at different times, please be patient.

Payments - choice of installment scheme

Dear students,

the possibility to choose a financing plan for your studies is now available in the USOSweb system:

  • one-time payment for the entire semester (in accordance with the current Rector's Regulation);
  • installment scheme.

The choice must be made by February 9, 2025. In case of no declaration, the system will do it for you by setting the installment scheme, which is the default plan.
The selected plan for the semester will no longer be able to be changed.

Instructions on how to make a choice can be found on the website:

ENGLISH LANGUAGE COURSES - information for students of full-time bachelor studies

Assignment to English language groups will be based on the result of a placement test.

You can access the test via the link below. You must be logged in to your university account to take the test. You will have 90 minutes to complete the test, after which the test will close automatically and your results will not be sent. The test is available to you until 20.00 on 31 January 2025.

Test >>>https://forms.office.com/e/N7hqxAsHsv


Test >>>https://forms.office.com/e/gfb5BVy0b1

After the test, you will be assigned to a group and a team on MS Teams. You will be added to the groups at different times, please be patient.

OHS – Information for Students of full-time and part-time studies

To pass the OHS course, all first-year students and those readmissed to studies with an OHS as a programme difference are obliged to complete the test in the Eportal system (https://eportal.ue.wroc.pl/my/)

In order to do this, please log in to the Eportal system according to the instructions

Dear Students!

This internet service was designed for you. It shows you the information entered into the main USOS system by administrative staff.

USOSweb is made of modules. Not all of these modules are used at their full capacities, at the moment. Additionally, a large part of functions and informations is accessible only for users who have logged in. Every student and teacher should have an id and password of his/her own. You can get more information about USOSweb accounts and possible problems using the LOG IN link in the upper left part of the window.

In case of technical problems, please contact with yours Students office.


If you want to get access to USOSweb, you should log in. Please click Log in in the upper right corner. When CAS will appear, You should fill the username (number of your student book) and password (the same as the university mailbox). Then click LOGIN.


In the 4.55-5.15, 10.55-11.15 and 15.55-16.15 UsosWeb service is unavailable due to data migration.

ul. Komandorska 118/120
53-345 Wrocław
tel: 71 368 01 00 http://ue.wroc.pl
contact accessibility statement mapa serwisu USOSweb (2024-12-18)